Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Living in winter wonderland

A new layer of snow since Sunday night covers the houses, gardens and streets here in Belgium.
Not funny after two weeks at home to go to work in this kind of weather last Monday. But we managed to get there without accidents (and to get back home too).
On top of this snow, we also got very cold weather... freezing during night and day.
I must say that this layer of snow is beautiful, but it does not make me forget the warm winters we had in Marina del Rey.
Even our Niki, the cat, does not feel like exploring outside, she just looks through the window and that's all.
During the winter holiday we tried to get Niki used to our garden, but she was so scared that most of the time she stayed very close to our garden house or would come running up to the door to get back inside. Hope she'll stay this way and that she will never try to explore the road in front of our house.
School started again this Monday and Axelle told me they had a lot of fun playing in the snow during recreation. First day of school they had an electricity problem (actually it was everywhere in the village and other villages close to ours). No electricity means no heating... Lucky this was only a temporary problem that lasted one hour, otherwise all kids would have to return home.
The cold that we're actually experiencing is going to stay here for another few days... good thing is the fact that it will be sunny and not grey.
Now would be the perfect time to have that jacuzzi in our garden... I definitely have to start working on that plan for our garden... Yes I do...


Anonymous said...

echt jaccuziweer,maar we zullen nog even naar de sauna gaan.cold kisses

De Martens in Pasadena said...

Het is wel mooi he zo'n sneeuwtapijt! Maar die kou die erbij komt he...brrr. Wij hebben nogal afgezien zunne in Belgie!! Hier in San marino is het vandaag zo'n zalige 20 graden. nog meer zin om op bezoek te komen zeker? ;)
Groetjes, Nele