Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Postje 1: Waarom die beesten dus lawaai maken....

Niet iedereen leest ook de "comments" op mijn blog... vandaar dat ik het commentaar dat ik van "anonymous" (ik weet niet wie) kreeg ivm het geluid dat de zeehonden hier maken, dus ook nog even opnieuw post.... ' t Is maar dat jullie weten WAAROM we hier vanalles horen...
Hier gaan we dus...

Why do Sea Lions bark like dogs?A: It is only the California sea lion that bark, Stellar sea lions roar. California sea lions bark, because it is the type of vocalization that their vocal cords permit. Just like how dogs bark and humans talk, it is physiologically the sound that our vocal cords produce. Now why California sea lions bark is to communicate with other sea lions. Male California sea lions have a loud, directional bark that is used to threaten other males and to show their dominance over other males during breeding and non-breeding seasons. Some scientists have suggested that male California sea lions bark to attract other males and sub-dominant males will often vocalize more than the dominant males. Sea lion pups and mothers will also bark to find each other when they are separated. California sea lions will also produce underwater vocalizations that include, loud barks, whinnies, faint clicks, moans or humming sounds, chirps, belches, and growls. Underwater vocalizations seem to be used by sea lions during breeding seasons, especially males, to assert dominance and define territories.http://oceanlink.island.net/ask/seals.html#anchor872876

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